Andriana Bila
Chief Consultant of the Department for Foreign Policy and Strategic Partnership of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Postgraduate Student of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
Stanislav Lytvynov
Documentary film director, cultural figure, UCF expert
DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2024-43
Abstract. The article discusses cultural diplomacy as a promising field in state and public activities. It presents arguments about cultural diplomacy’s role, content, and significance in the face of increasing global risks. The article highlights cultural diplomacy’s unique strength, which can help societies and states withstand global challenges and threats. The article also proves the practical effectiveness of cultural diplomacy, demonstrating its efficiency beyond traditional diplomatic methods.
The authors note that Ukraine has become a subject state in foreign policy and international relations, initiating new cooperation formats and effectively strengthening dialogue with many countries. The article pays special attention to Ukraine’s cultural diplomacy, which has flourished and developed under the critical and constrained conditions of russia’s full-scale invasion. The complex political and diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Serbia provide an illustrative example of the effectiveness of cultural diplomacy. The authors describe in detail the successful combination of Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba’s visits to Serbia, displaying the opportunities for the following steps to develop bilateral cooperation further.
The article identifies, describes, and analyses several nationally significant cultural diplomacy projects that are important in the context of preserving Ukrainian identity, cultural values and spreading the truth about the origins and causes of russia’s war against Ukraine.
The article stresses that the global community must unite to find real solutions for self-preservation and effectively combat a wide range of global challenges. In this regard, cultural diplomacy is a unique opportunity and an effective tool for overcoming political prejudices and other challenges that hinder efficient intergovernmental cooperation.
Keywords: global challenges, megatrends, cultural diplomacy, russia’s full-scale invasion, soft power, Ukrainian-Serbian relations, cultural heritage, national identity.
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