Strategic Planning and Institutional Development of 21st Century Diplomacy Models

  • Post category:Issue XXV

Viacheslav Tsivatyi
PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Merited Education Worker of Ukraine, Member of Board of the Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations

DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2024-39

Abstract. As the 21st-century international relations system transforms, every state faces the critical concepts of ‘strategy’, ‘strategic management’, and ‘strategic planning’.
This article places special emphasis on strategic planning within international relations and diplomacy. It underscores the necessity of strategic management and strategic planning as integral components of diplomatic administrative activities. In this context, the author explores innovative approaches to the institutional development of diplomatic and strategic planning models and creates a national strategic management and planning model. The article identifies the types, principles, and specific features of strategies and strategic analysis.
The author addresses the issue of modernising the strategic planning system and introduces a new educational and scientific model for training specialists in international relations with a specialisation in ‘Strategic Planning and Management in Practical Diplomacy’.
The article characterises short-term, medium-term, and long-term strategic planning and determines the situational appropriateness of their application. It also illustrates the impact of strategic communications and strategic planning on decision-making at the political level and on trends in political processes within interstate relations. The conclusions state that an effective strategic planning model in diplomacy is an inseparable component of a nation’s security in a globalised world order: a weapon of soft and, under special conditions, hard power.
Keywords: theory and practice of diplomacy, strategy, strategic management, strategic planning, strategic analysis, diplomacy, diplomatic environment, theory of international relations, diplomatic system, system of international relations.

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