Serhii Pyrozhkov
Member of NAS of Ukraine
Abstract. The author analyses the history of the establishment of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kyiv. He examines the legal procedures for the Academy’s establishment and emphasises that mutual understanding between the scientific community and authorities provides an opportunity to resolve a fundamental nation-wide problem within a short time span. It is also stressed that the crucial role in drafting the Law on the Establishment of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences belongs to M.P. Vasylenko and V.I. Vernadskyi, like-minded prominent scholars and men of science, towering figures who considered science as the blissful power. In addition, the article examines the main tasks pursued by the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, namely providing a sound scientific underpinning for the development of Ukrainian society as well as increasing the role of sciences in civil life. The article substantiates that the comprehensive development of seminal works has always been and still remains the primary purpose of the Academy. All scholars who took part in its development disinterestedly worked upon the implementation of its concept and dedicated their lives to education. The author singles out five rather different periods in the operation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences: the establishment, expansion of activities during the World War II, post-war rejuvenation, development, and golden age owing to scientific and technological advancement. The fifth period is modern and has lasted since 1991.
In the end, the author emphasises that the establishment of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was designed as a large-scale and socially significant project, whose implementation has eventually given rise to a powerful national intellectual centre with an ever increasing contribution to the development of the country, nation, and personalities. According to the fundamental principles and strategic goals of the Academy, its activity has been expanding for over a hundred years both in favourable and disadvantageous times, in conditions of social stability and continuous social changes.
Keywords: Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, establishment, power, prominent scientists, important role.
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