Serhii Zubchenko
PhD in Political Science, Chief Consultant of the Department of Humanitarian Policy and Civil Society Development, Center for Social Research, National Institute for Strategic Studies, veteran of Russian-Ukrainian war
ORCID: 0000-0001-6909-7881
DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2021-41
Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of humanitarian and security aspects of topical issues on the international agenda (particularly Russia’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine and the deepening geopolitical rivalry between the U.S. and China, in which the PRC uses Russia as an ‘icebreaker’ against the collective West) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, erosion of the international legal system, and weaknesses of international institutions.
The author outlines the origins of trends regarding unjustified tolerance of various ‘left’ ideas, pro-Russian politicians, and practices in liberal-democratic countries after the collapse of the USSR; these trends often lead to indoctrination of harmful strategic illusions, growth of dangerous populist, authoritarian or extremist public attitudes, and significant escalation of threats to national, regional, and international security. The article substantiates the fundamental importance of restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally recognised borders for ensuring global stability, security, and legal order. The author articulates the necessity of imposing greater sanctions and restrictive measures against Russia, its legal entities, individuals, and proxies, which continue to use the methods of hybrid warfare and state terrorism (not only in the occupied Crimea and ORDLO but also around the world), as well as of bringing to justice the persons involved in international and war crimes.
Given the changes in the global security environment, the article emphasises the need for critical analysis and rational rethinking of some methodological approaches and strategic ideas previously used in national and international policy. The author also enunciates some recommendations for Ukraine to ensure its national resilience, further strengthen its humanitarian component, and implement appropriate internal (to support the readiness of society to effectively resist permanent and sudden security threats) and external (to establish a proper international credibility of Ukraine, ensure its international support) measures.
Keywords: Russian military aggression against Ukraine, international law, international security, diplomacy, foreign policy, national security, national resilience, geopolitics
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