Stepan Vidnianskyi
Doctor of History, Full Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Head of the Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine
DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2024-28
Abstract. This article examines various stages of Ukrainian-Hungarian relations. Until the 2010s, these relations exemplified European policies of good neighbourliness, reconciliation, and solidarity. Hungary actively developed contacts with Ukraine even before the collapse of the USSR and was one of the first countries to recognise Ukraine’s sovereignty and establish diplomatic relations after its independence. However, relations deteriorated in the early 2010s due to issues concerning the rights of the Hungarian national minority in Zakarpattia, leading to diplomatic tensions.
The most significant issue became Hungary’s stance on russia’s war against Ukraine. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s statement that this war does not concern Hungary outraged the Ukrainian authorities and society. Orbán and other high-ranking Hungarian officials criticised sanctions against russia and military aid to Ukraine, emphasising their rejection of active support for Ukraine.
Moreover, the article describes Viktor Orbán’s activities, who has governed Hungary for 14 years and controls all branches of power, creating an alternate reality for his supporters. The government controls the media, which broadcasts Orbán’s favourable fake news, particularly regarding the war in Ukraine. Hungary maintains neutrality and a policy of non-interference in the conflict, supported by most of the population, especially in the provinces where government propaganda prevails.
The article analyses changes in Hungary’s policy towards russia’s war against Ukraine, mainly through statements by influential Hungarian politicians. Despite Orbán’s alignment with the Kremlin, he stresses the importance of Ukraine’s sovereignty for Europe’s security. Meanwhile, there are signs of positive changes in public sentiment in Hungary. Survey results show a significant portion of Hungarians support EU sanctions against russia, and there is strong support for Ukrainian refugees among Central and Eastern European countries.
Keywords: Hungary, Zakarpattia, Viktor Orbán, war, sanctions, propaganda.
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