Ivan Bilas
Doctor of Law, Doctor of History, Head of the Department of Comparative and European Law at the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
Olha Shpakovych
Doctor of Law, Full Professor;
Olena Sviatun
PhD in Law, Associate Professor
DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2024-37
Abstract. The article describes the development of the study and doctrine of European Union law in Ukraine, the main periods of their formation and development. The authors point out the key academic research related to the study of certain branches, policies and components of the European Union law.
The article highlights the establishment of the Department of Comparative and European Law at the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which was driven by Ukraine’s strategic course towards integration into the European Union and the clear need to train qualified specialists to work in this field of Ukraine’s foreign policy. The authors outline the normative courses on EU law and the major disciplines taught by the department.
Moreover, attention is paid to the academic and extracurricular activities of students and lecturers of the department (operation of the Ukrainian Analytical and Educational Centre of European and Comparative Law, student clubs, participation in research projects, competitions, etc.) The practical experience of the department’s faculty members as experts, officials, representatives of Ukraine, etc. is mentioned. The article points out that since the first days of russia’s full-scale military aggression against Ukraine, the department’s staff has been actively involved in arranging support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The conclusions highlight the relevance and importance of European Union law in Ukraine. The authors emphasise that the Department of Comparative and European Law at the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations plays a leading role in developing standards for teaching European Union law in Ukraine, developing teaching and methodological materials in this area, and provides professional training of qualified European integration specialists for Ukraine’s recovery and its effective performance within the European Union.
Keywords: European Union law, European integration of Ukraine, European Union, Department of Comparative and European Law, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations.
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