Nataliia Pipchenko
Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of International Information at the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2024-35
Abstract. The article analyses transformation of diplomatic work based on the use of artificial intelligence tools.
The author distinguishes the global, regional and national levels of implementing artificial intelligence initiatives, as well as outlines the advantages and disadvantages of such tools. The author also outlines the activities of the European Union with regard to updating the European regulatory framework to encourage the use of AI in various areas and the subsequent adoption of the Artificial Intelligence Act by the European Parliament.
The practical significance of artificial intelligence tools is illustrated by the activities of the foreign ministries of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, which were among the first to actively upgrade their diplomatic work with the use of innovations. For example, the article points out that American diplomats and civil servants consider both the advantages and disadvantages of AI. Among the advantages, they mention the capability of AI tools to analyse the image of the sending state presented by foreign media over a long period in the information space of the host country to qualitatively modify and improve the work within the foreign ministry through the capabilities of a purpose-designed AI system, etc. As for the disadvantages, American civil servants pointed out that the general public may overestimate the information generated by AI chats, and therefore misinterpret political events, the causes of trade, economic or armed confrontations, conflicts, wars, etc.
The author concludes that diplomacy in the artificial intelligence era focuses on the issues of international legal regulation of the particularities of using artificial intelligence systems for improving political, economic, security, environmental and social prospects of human development; the possibilities of using artificial intelligence tools to perform functional diplomatic duties; and ensuring the confidentiality of transmission, storage and processing of political and diplomatic data.
Keywords: diplomacy, artificial intelligence, EU, France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom.
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