Western Civilization and Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Partnership

  • Post category:Issue XX

Serhii Pyrozhkov
Vice President of the NAS of Ukraine, Academician of the NAS

Nazip Khamitov
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Leading Researcher at Hryhorii Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS

DOI https://doi.org/10.37837/2707-7683-2019-31

Abstract. The article deals with Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic geopolitical vector in a modern geopolitical situation. The authors argue that a link between national interests and geopolitical vector of a country as a civilizational subject determines its globalization strategy. The Euro-Atlantic geopolitical vector of Ukraine provides for geographical, geopolitical, civilizational interaction with the European and Euro-Atlantic community on the basis of partnership and national interests. The main criterion for the constructiveness of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic vector is the strengthening and development of our country’s position as an international actor.
The authors distinguish the two branches of Western civilization in the modern world: Euro- Atlantic and Eurasian. Ukraine lies on the border between the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian branches of Western civilization. Ukraine’s ability to be a subject of history, have its own civilizational project and implement it depends on the ability to build productive relationships with these two branches. At the same time, there is a distinct historical timeliness of integration with the Euro-Atlantic civilizational community for the implementation of objectives and consolidation of values of Ukraine’s civilizational project, which requires an innovative development.
Over the last hundred years, Ukraine has been predominantly engaged in the Eurasian civilizational community. To strengthen its position as an international actor, Ukraine has to overcome such asymmetry. That is why Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic vector is not limited to the membership in the European Union or NATO. It is a much more complex process of mental and civilizational transformation, which becomes a condition for ensuring the real sovereignty.
Keywords: Euro-Atlantic vector of Ukraine, Western civilization, national interests, subject of history.

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