
“Diplomatic Ukraine” (ISSN 2707-7683) is a periodical scientific publication, which systematically and qualitatively highlights topical issues in Ukraine’s foreign as well as international affairs.

The scientific yearbook was established in 2000 by the State Enterprise “Directorate-General for Rendering Services to Diplomatic Missions”, Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and NGO “Foreign Policy Research Institute”.

The purpose of the publication is to provide a communication platform for diplomats, representatives of international organizations, political analysts, scientists, and historians; develop a positive international image of Ukraine; ensure the continuity of diplomatic practice; establish a national diplomatic school.

The objectives are as follows: to cover the activities of Ukrainian and foreign diplomatic corps; analyse the current trends and topical issues of international relations and international law; assess achievements and problems of the Ukrainian diplomatic service; study the history of Ukrainian diplomacy; spread the word about prominent diplomats and unique cases in the diplomatic practice of Ukraine and foreign countries; contribute to the formation of the Ukrainian scientific diplomatic school and assist academia in the promotion and practical implementation of the scientific findings in the field of diplomacy and foreign policy.

Language: Ukrainian and English.

Publication frequency: annual.

Specialty: History and Archaeology (032).

Subject area: publication of scientific materials on the history of Ukrainian diplomacy; coverage of concepts and realities of modern diplomacy; remembrance of diplomatic history; analysis of the Ukrainian geopolitics; promulgation of diplomats’ professional views and up-to-date information about Ukrainian and foreign diplomatic corps; study of public diplomacy trends.

Sections: History of Diplomacy; Institutional History of Ukrainian Diplomacy through the Eyes of Those Involved; Diplomat’s Professional Opinion; Diplomatic Corps of Ukraine; Modern Diplomacy: Concepts and Realities; Geopolitics in the Modern World; Public Diplomacy; Figures and Events; Bibliography.

Starting from 2018, the articles in the yearbook are assigned a unique digital object identifier (DOI).

The publication is indexed in Google Scholar.

Electronic copies of “Diplomatic Ukraine” are available in the catalogue of periodicals of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Editorial policy

Publication in the scientific yearbook is free of charge. Every scientific article is subject to a double-blind peer review.

The editorial board does not accept publications that contain discrimination in any form and / or incite religious, racial, ethnic hatred. Such materials will be returned to authors without review.

Reviewing is performed by members of the editorial board or scientists authorized thereto by the editorial board.

If an author does not agree with the reviewer’s comments and refuses to edit the article, the editorial board reserves the right to refuse the publication of submitted materials.

If a conflict of interest situation arises (a selected reviewer is not confident that his scientific qualification corresponds to the level of the research presented in the manuscript, or the topic of the article is closely related to the reviewer’s own research interests), the reviewer returns the manuscript and the editorial board selects a new reviewer.

The yearbook conforms to the principle of open access to scientific research results as outlined in the Budapest Open Access Initiative. All users have the right to freely read, copy, download, print, or link to the full texts of the articles published in the yearbook without the prior consent of the author or publisher.

 Plagiarism Policy

If there is any evidence of plagiarism (references to sources used to write the article are insufficient or otherwise unavailable; there was a violation of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”), self-plagiarism (publication of one’s own previously published scientific results as new scientific results) or any other indication of a breach of academic integrity (fabrication, falsification, misrepresentation of results or research methodology, etc.), the editorial board will return the manuscript to the author without the possibility of resubmission.