Ihor Todorov
Doctor of History, Full Professor, Department of International Studies and Public Communications,
Uzhhorod National University
ORCID 0000-0003-0986-9485
DOI 10.37837/2707-7683-2020-31
Abstract. The article examines Ukrainian-Hungarian relations against the background of Hungary’s three-year-long veto on meetings of the NATO-Ukraine Commission. The author outlined the origins and essence of the current conflict between Ukraine and Hungary after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Education’ in September 2017. Hungary believed that Ukraine had violated the rights of the Hungarian national minority as well as several international and bilateral agreements. Throughout the years of Ukraine’s independence, the Hungarian ethnic minority in Transcarpathia has enjoyed the internationally recognised right to study in their mother tongue from primary school to university. This conflict is the reason why Hungary has vetoed meetings of the NATO-Ukraine Commission. The law was sent to the Venice Commission for expert legal assessment, but its recommendations did not reduce tensions between Kyiv and Budapest. They still have different interpretations of the opinion of the Venice Commission. The Alliance called on the parties to resolve the dispute bilaterally without taking it to the NATO level, but numerous bilateral talks at the level of foreign ministers, ministers of education, and representatives of national minorities did not bear fruit. Based on an examination of Hungary’s official statements, the author claims that the government is determined to protect the national minority by all legal means at the political and diplomatic levels.
The article emphasises that both countries could implement joint projects in the fields of energy, regional security, environment, and combating transnational threats. Ukraine and Hungary are part of one region. Promoting cooperation and maintaining general agreement within its boundaries can significantly expand the capabilities of both countries and give them an opportunity to keep the conflict under control.
Keywords: Ukrainian-Hungarian relations, NATO-Ukraine Commission, Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine ‘On Education’.
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