Teofil Rendiuk
Doctor of History, Director of the Institute of Good Neighbourhood
DOI https://doi.org/10.37837/2707-7683-2019-6
Abstract. The article deals with the peak in the development of Ukrainian-Romanian relations during 1917–1923, concentrating on 1919, when the Directory of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR) was represented in the neighboring Kingdom of Romania by the Extraordinary Diplomatic Mission. During January-May 1919, it was led by U. Hasenko, and starting from July 1919 until the closure of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Romania in 1923, by Professor K. Matsievych, a distinguished Ukrainian diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the UPR, indicating a special significance attached by the leadership of Ukraine at the time to broadening and deepening relations with neighboring Romania.
The article also sheds some light on the details of little-known facts, in particular, that in parallel with the Extraordinary Diplomatic Mission of the UPR, in Bucharest, in March-April 1919, there was a special diplomatic mission of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic (WUPR) headed by S. Vytvytskyi who held talks with I. Bretianu, then Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and General A. Bertelo, head of the French military mission in Romania, concerning Bukovyna, elimination of the threat of Romanian occupation of Eastern Galicia and joint actions against Bolshevik Russia.
Elevating bilateral diplomatic and politico-military relations to the highest good-neighbourly level is presented as the achievement of the UPR Extraordinary Mission and of the Directorate of the Kingdom of Romania, along with the consolidation and unification of Ukrainian political and military emigration in this country. To this end, the Ukrainian Public Aid Committee was established in Bucharest, headed by UPR Army Colonel G. Porokhovsky, with active branches in main cities of interwar Romania.
Keywords: Ukrainian People’s Republic at the time of the Directorate, Ukrainian State, Kingdom of Romania, Extraordinary Diplomatic Mission, Agreement on Economic Cooperation, assistance of the Kingdom of Romania to the UPR Army, Ukrainian political and military emigration in Romania, Ukrainian State Aid Committee in Bucharest.
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