Ukrainian Canada (The Present of the Ukrainian Community and Its Harmonious Life with Ukraine)

  • Post category:Issue XXI

Stanislav Lazebnyk
Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine

DOI 10.37837/2707-7683-2020-30

Abstract. The article narrates about the Ukrainian community in Canada, one of the most organised diasporas in the world, which from the times of its founders to the current generation has preserved its national identity, cultural traditions, and is duly represented in power structures of the country of the red maple leaf. Throughout its 129-year history, the Ukrainian community has consistently defended, to the best of its abilities, the national interests of Ukraine at different times. The author glorifies the cohort of prominent Canadian Ukrainians, who have soared to greater heights in their environment, reached the pinnacle of power on the state level, and hold prestigious posts in the legislative and executive branches at the federal and provincial levels. In Canada, there has developed an extensive scientific and educational base of Ukrainian studies, a Ukrainian-language degree system of education, including pre-school and extracurricular institutions, bilingual schools, and university courses in Ukrainian studies. The language, literature, history, geography, and folklore of Ukraine are taught in ten universities around the country. Canadian Ukrainians have a substantial cultural heritage of their own. The author stresses that support to Ukraine in different realms of life is provided by personal resources of Canadian Ukrainians and in cooperation with the Government, local non-governmental organisations and commercial corporations, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation. There is an atmosphere of sympathy in the Ukrainian environment and throughout Canada to the Ukrainian people combined with the willingness to help them. Following the Russian aggression against our state, Canadian Ukrainians intensified assistance to the land of their ancestors. Sacrifice, patronage, and participation in the volunteer movement have become a way of life for many in the community. All of these noble features are especially evident in the most challenging periods of the history of Ukraine.
Keywords: Canada, Ukrainian community, national interests, Canadian Ukrainians

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