Oleksandr Shmorhun
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Institute of World History of the NAS of Ukraine
DOI https://doi.org/10.37837/2707-7683-2019-37
Abstract. The article analyses the main stages of political reform in Ukraine from the point of view of comparative Western political science and taking into account the experience of the political history of developed Western countries of The modern era. It shows the fundamental difference between the real mechanisms and institutions of Ukrainian power from the real democratic standard of Western democracy and effective separation of powers.
The article reveals the systemic shortcomings of any parliamentarism in a situation of acute crisis and the mechanisms of falsification of presidential and parliamentary political foundations in the post-Soviet space. Myths about the possibility of democratization of the Ukrainian government and the promotion of Ukraine’s approach to membership in the European Union by introducing the procedure for electing a President in a representative status, which will be carried out by the legislative body, are refuted.
The author of the article argues that it is now advisable to take advantage of the General positive trend in Ukrainian politics – the transition from the previous presidential-parliamentary model to a parliamentary-presidential Republic. And complete the process of democratization of the Ukrainian government by introducing a purely parliamentary Republic in Ukraine. However, it is important to note that even the founders of European parliamentary republics are aware that numerous collegial bodies cannot be effective in emergency situations. It has been well known since ancient times that a consistently collegial structure and decision-making mechanism does not eliminate the danger of shadow tyranny.
It is noted that the development of a full-fledged model of presidentialism will actually contribute to improving the efficiency of the Ukrainian government. But the right to develop and implement such a model should only be granted to political forces that actually demonstrate their ability to protect national Ukrainian interests.
Keywords: Ukrainian political reform, parliamentary-presidential Republic, constitutions of post-Soviet countries, European political history.
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