Ukraine in the 21st Century: Strengthening Civilisational Agency

  • Post category:Issue XXI

Serhii Pyrozhkov
Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Full Professor, Vice President of the NAS of Ukraine, Head of the Section of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NAS of Ukraine
ORCID 0000-0002-7539-0248

Nazip Khamitov
Doctor of Philosophy, Full Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine
ORCID 0000-0001-8193-9383

DOI 10.37837/2707-7683-2020-28

Abstract. The article addresses the issue of Ukraine’s civilisational agency in the modern world. The authors state that a civilisational destiny of a state is determined by geopolitical actors claiming a superpower status, the state’s own choice, people’s will, its political and intellectual elite. Then, a state becomes a unit of international relations and law, world geopolitics, science, art; a civilisational actor of history, the present, and the future.
Ukraine strives to become such an actor, have its civilisational project, and implement it. Our country is located between the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian civilisational societies, thus its capacity to be an actor in the modern globalised world is contingent on efficient cooperation with both of the societies. The authors believe that the implementation of the civilisational project of Ukraine as an actor and not as an object of modern world lies in systemic cooperation with the international actors which accept freedom and dignity of a human being as fundamental values. The authors single out the civilisational measures of such a society, which is a society of trust, social and political partnership, and balanced interaction of the rule of law and civil society. In its civilisational project of the 21st century, Ukraine should stand for a society of innovations and information, where a person can live up to her full potential. It is about the worldview transformation of consciousness and relations among people, countries, civilisations, and civilisational worlds. The implementation of this project is a fundamental condition for ensuring the national security and existence of Ukraine as an independent state. That is indeed a noble cause of Ukraine and its people in the multifaceted world of the 21st century.
Keywords: Eurasian civilisational society, Euro-Atlantic direction, agency of Ukraine, independent state.

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