The Search for the Peaceful Development of Humankind: How South Korea’s Experience Can Be Useful for Ukraine

  • Post category:Issue XX

Mykhailo Ilin
Head of the Board, Universal Peace Federation, Ukraine


Abstract. The article deals with the summit held in Seoul, South Korea, in February 2019. The author outlines the issues of peaceful development of humanity, which were submitted for discussion by the summit participants, lists the speakers and highlights their main messages. At the summit, representatives of different nations and religions have expressed their concern about the challenges our societies are facing, especially in the context of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula.
The author traces the common and distinctive features between South Korea and Ukraine. Korea was divided into South and North by a secret agreement between the USA and the USSR. Subsequently, two states were created, while the Korean War cemented the division of the country. The situation is very similar to the conflict in the Donbas, but in this case, no one consented that another country would control part of our territory. The experience of Korea proves that if the conflict situation is not solved immediately and results in the emergence of a new globally recognized state, the unification of the country may take decades. Now Korea is drawing on global expertise of public organizations, members of the government, religious figures and media to unify the country.
The author summarizes the positive experience of the development of Korea, which may be projected to Ukraine. Korea is putting in a lot of effort into the education of the population. Culture of the nation has become the main policy line of the state, which is heavily investing in the development of its citizens’ potential. The ability to master cutting-edge technologies depends on the level and quality of education in a country. South Korea’s market economy encourages private business to invest in technological advancement.
The author emphasizes that South Korea has achieved great success in science and technology thanks to the development of human resources. It is the development of human potential that contributes to scientific and technological progress, and as a result, to the economic growth of the country.
Keywords: South Korea, scientific and technical development, culture, politics, summit.

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