The Precariat: The Phenomenon of Socio-Political Radicalism

  • Post category:Issue XX

Vasyl Tkachenko
Doctor of History, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Merited Figure of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Ambassador for Peace


Abstract. The article discusses the reasons for the emergence of the precariat as a phenomenon of socio-political radicalism.
The commercialization of public institutions and mechanisms of the global capitalist market and the transfer of a number of production cycles to countries with cheap labour have led to consumption in the industrialized countries of North America and Europe exceeding incomes. This abuse led to a violation of the principle of market equilibrium: the pole of economic life was shifted from the production sector to the financial sector, and bankers and brokers began to assert their real power. Social inequality among the world’s population has increased rapidly, and a significant number of people are in debt. All this was reflected in the formation of the social structure of post-industrial society. The problem of social inequality, which has reached fantastic proportions in today’s globalized world, will inevitably require an appropriate solution. But in the future, this problem can not be avoided, because the situation will only get worse with almost complete replacement of human machines. The author notes that the leaders of the leading States, outstanding scientists and experts are already looking for alternatives.
The article expresses the hope that Ukrainian identity will focus on the social mutual responsibility of civil society and the state, ensuring an active dialogue between them on key social issues, as well as on the form and principles of participation in joint social projects in compliance with the position of protecting national interests. Only under such conditions will identity act in its characteristic role of self-determination of Ukrainians, who seek to achieve justice, social solidarity and confidence in the future, without descending to manifestations of radicalism and extremism.
Keywords: precariat, social inequality, commercialization, production sphere, financial sector, capitalist market.

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