The Model of Diplomacy and the Diplomatic System of the Kingdom of Belgium in Globalisation: Institutional and Political-International Discourses (Experience for Ukraine)

Viacheslav Tsivatyi
PhD in History, Associate Professor, expert at the International Relations Office of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Merited Education Worker of Ukraine, Member of Board of the Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations
ORCID: 0000-0003-1505-7483

Nataliia-Tereza Anoshyna
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Member of the Ukrainian Association of International Law, Charge d’Affairs of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Belgium

DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2022-28

Abstract. The study is devoted to methodological problems, modern and historical discourses of the study of the institutional origins, achievements and present of the diplomacy of the Kingdom of Belgium. The authors emphasise the relevance and significance of the subject, which has not received a comprehensive comparative analysis in modern Ukrainian and world historiography. When analysing the model of diplomacy and the diplomatic system of the Kingdom of Belgium, the authors focus on the features and national specificity of the stages of the institutional history and the present of Belgian diplomacy in the system of international political coordinates. Special attention is focused on the expediency of implementing in Ukraine the best diplomatic examples (models) and achievements of Belgian diplomacy in the conditions of a globalised world system.
The article emphasises the methods of research, which is interdisciplinary in nature and is based on important cognitive principles: scientificity, historicism and objectivity. The use of various general and special methods allowed the authors to determine the trajectory of scientific research for the real reconstruction of historical and modern events, institutional stages of formation and the current state of the model of diplomacy of the Kingdom of Belgium.
The historical legacy and modern practical experience of the diplomacy of the Kingdom of Belgium have not lost their relevance to this day; bilateral Belgian-Ukrainian relations firmly connect Belgium and Ukraine through centuries and millennia of European history.
Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, diplomacy, public diplomacy, institutional history, institutionalisation, Ukraine, Belgium.

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