Tymur Korotkyi
Professor, the Department of International and European Law of the National University Odesa Law Academy, Coordinator of the South Regional Centre of the Ukrainian Association of International Law
Yevheniia Lukianchenko
Counselling Assistant of Mustafa Dzhemilev, People’s Deputy of Ukraine
Nataliia Khendel
Associate Professor, the Department of International and European Law of the National University Odesa Law Academy
DOI https://doi.org/10.37837/2707-7683-2019-40
Abstract. The article analyses the role of the Crimea Declaration in the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
It is argued that unilateral acts of states are widespread in international relations. Violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea is an encroachment not only on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. This is an infringement upon the fundamental principles of international law and the current international order.
The article considers the point of view of the American diplomatic practice in relation to the Crimea Declaration. The Crimea Declaration is expressed in the form of a unilateral statement containing a protest regarding actions and their consequences, violating international law, by the direct recipient of the Declaration, namely, the Russian Federation. The Declaration is aimed at protecting the rights and interests of Ukraine, which is the common goal of the entire international community, and encourages its members to join this position.
The Crimea Declaration fully corresponds to the definition and criteria of protest, which allows us to speak about the relevant international legal implications arising from the Declaration and other relevant acts of the United States that form a unified system.
It is concluded that despite the fact that the Declaration contains general and framework provisions, it clearly reflects the US position regarding the condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, violation by Russia of fundamental principles of international law with regard to Ukraine, the non-recognition of the annexation of Crimea and its consequences, and the need for an expeditious de-occupation of Crimea.
Keywords: the aggression of Russia against Ukraine, occupation of Crimea, Welles Declaration, Crimea Declaration, protest.
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