The Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine: A Logical Step to Resuming the Independence of the Ukrainian State (For the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence)

  • Post category:Issue XXII

Serhii Zdioruk
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Merited Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Leading Research Fellow, Department for Research of Civil Society and Reintegration, National Institute for Strategic Studies

Pavlo Kryvonos
Honorary Professor of the Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine” and National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Director-General of the State Enterprise “Directorate-General for Rendering Services to Diplomatic Missions”

DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2021-5

Abstract. The article covers the problems with respect to the resumption of the independence of the Ukrainian state that occurred after the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine on 16 July 1990 and the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine on 24 August 1991. The authors determine the influence of the Russian political establishment on Ukrainian state building, exerted by means of hybrid warfare against Ukraine. Also described are the threats to Ukraine’s national security posed by Russia, such as the occupation of Crimea and part of Donbas, sponsorship of terrorism at the state level, political blackmailing, expansion of the ‘Russian world’ in the Ukrainian humanitarian and political space, etc.
The article contains a comparative analysis of the processes of Ukrainian state building in the early and late 20th century as well as the geopolitical and domestic conditions in which the Ukrainian national vision was operationalised.
Keywords: Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine, hybrid warfare.

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