Strategies of communicative influence and model of public diplomacy of the Kingdom of Spain in the globalised world of the 21st century: National Branding Experience for Ukraine (Institutional and Image Discourses)

  • Post category:Issue XXIV

Viacheslav Tsivatyi
PhD in History, Associate Professor, Merited Education Worker of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Member of Board of the Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations

DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2023-43

Abstract. The article examines the features of the development of public diplomacy in Spain and analyses its key directions of activity at different stages of historical development.
The study is devoted to methodological problems, institutional origins, and achievements of the diplomacy of the Kingdom of Spain. Special attention is paid to the expediency of implementing in Ukraine the best diplomatic examples (models) and achievements of Spanish diplomacy in the conditions of a globalised world system.
The focus is on the activity of the main governmental agencies that stimulate the development of full-fledged Spanish foreign cultural policy as the means both for the promotion of Spanish culture abroad and for the presentation of other cultures in Spain. At the same time, much attention is given to the new forms of cultural exchange, which promote the development of cultural dialogue between nations. The institutional development, the strategies of communicative influence and the model of national branding of the Kingdom of Spain are analysed.
The historical legacy and modern practical experience of the diplomacy of the Kingdom of Spain have not lost their relevance to this day, and bilateral Spanish-Ukrainian relations firmly connect Spain and Ukraine through the millennia of European history. The focus is on the modern diplomatic system and model of Spanish diplomacy, national features of the Spanish school of diplomacy, the effectiveness of the diplomatic toolkit and the art of the negotiation process of Spain’s diplomats in the conditions of the globalised world system.
The project Marca España proved to be an important step towards improving Spain’s national management system.
Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, foreign cultural policy, diplomacy, public diplomacy, institutionalisation, national branding, Marca España, Ukraine, Spain.

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