Russian-Ukrainian war: changes in the attitude of the German government and civil society

  • Post category:Issue XXIV

Andrii Kudriachenko
Doctor of History, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the State Institution ‘Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’

DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2023-7

Abstract. A thorough analysis of the processes of how the russian-Ukrainian war affected the policy of Germany towards Ukraine, and also radically changed the entire paradigm of Berlin’s relations with moscow and strengthened the positioning of Germany as a leader by taking greater responsibility for the course of events in Europe and the world. The significance and directions of the decisive departure of the Federal Republic of Germany from special relations with the russian federation and the provision of significant political, financial, economic, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine are unpacked.
The content and significance of the official statements and real steps of the Federal President and the Federal Chancellor of Germany to condemn the russian war, which the kremlin dictator unleashed against Ukraine, are analysed. New approaches and the definition of the stage of historical progress after 24 February 2024 as a change of an era and a decisive departure from previous special German-russian relations are examined. Separately, the outline of the directions of the fight against the aggressor and the difficult path of increasing military support for Ukraine in the defence of its sovereignty and democratic development on the way to its entry into the Euro-Atlantic space is clarified.
While analysing the changes in the attitude of German civil society related to the russian aggression against Ukraine, relevant publications and data from various sociological surveys, together with comparisons of their results in temporal and international contexts, were studied.
Based on the conducted study and analysis, it was concluded that the coalition government of Germany, the leading political forces and the majority of civil society are on the side of Ukraine and strongly support the country’s just struggle against the russian invaders.
Keywords: russian-Ukrainian war, Germany, Ukraine, russia, unprovoked aggression, liberation, military, economic, humanitarian aid.

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