Public Diplomacy of Ukraine in Kuwait: Thinking out of the Box

  • Post category:Issue XXI

Oleksandr Balanutsa
Ambassador of Ukraine to the State of Kuwait, PhD in Economics
ORCID 0000-0002-3470-9486

Olha Seheda
Third Secretary at the Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Kuwait, Master of Arts in Oriental Philology
ORCID 0000-0001-5155-9515

DOI 10.37837/10.37837/2707-7683-2020-15

Abstract. The paper considers Ukrainian public diplomacy events carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in cooperation with Ukrainian embassies overseas to strengthen the positive image of Ukraine in the international arena. The research has re¬vealed that the modern concept of Ukrainian public diplomacy, which has replaced the out¬dated principle of cultural and humanitarian cooperation, is in need of new methods and ways of its implementation. In particular, what is implied here is harnessing the potential of digital diplomacy and crafting comprehensive multilateral projects involving both public and private actors. Such an approach will obviously require enhanced coordination among state bodies, public organisations and foundations as well as embracing modern digital technologies in the diplomatic agenda. Given the unprecedented nature of such initiatives in Ukraine’s diplomatic service, one of the main aspects of this research was to model the perspectives of holding large-scale image events, especially in the field of digital diplomacy, by Ukrainian diplomatic missions abroad. Considering the multifaceted concept of public diplomacy, it is stated that none of the existing algorithms can ensure the success of practic¬es in the realm of public diplomacy. On the other hand, numerous indices, such as The Soft Power 30, Global Go To Think Tank Index, and Future Brand Country Index 2019, evaluate country profiles in the field of public diplomacy by using mathematical methods. Based on the Week of Ukraine in Kuwait 2020 and online projects initiated by the Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Kuwait, the article analyses the effectiveness of alternative approaches to the implementation of Ukrainian public diplomacy in Kuwait.
Keywords: public diplomacy, image-making projects, digital diplomacy, international image.

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