Andrii Kudriachenko
Doctor of History, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the State Institution “Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
DOI: 10.37837/2707-7683-2022-27
Abstract. The article analyses the difficulties and successes of the three-decade long process of development of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the context of post-Soviet transformations, which enabled the country to not only overcome the tremendous challenges and crises of the initial years of independence, but also set a course towards sustainable social and economic development. The author states that in the centre of it was the strategy of the national leader Heydar Aliyev on the consolidation of society and strengthening of stateinstitutions, combating separatism, and the implementation of economic and market reforms. The factors that soundly reinforced the strategy were the pragmatism and balance of the domestic and foreign policy, involvement of substantial direct foreign investment, and measures towards forming a hospitable business environment.
The research highlights the significance of stopping armed hostilities, departing from radical nationalism, instituting the policies for the preservation and development of Azerbaijan’s national identity, and substantial awakening of public conscience.
The author argues that economic successes such as the return of the economy of post-Soviet Azerbaijan to growth, enabled by Azerbaijan’s exploration of oil resources in the Caspian Sea shelf, served as a steady basis for the development of the national project in the post-Soviet period. National consolidation, Azerbaijan’s growth, and the development of the Armed Forces were precisely what factored into the restoration of the territorial integrity and reclamation of uncontrolled territories with their subsequent revitalisation.
The article also highlights Azerbaijan’s aid to Ukraine amid its struggle against full-scale russian aggression.
Keywords: Azerbaijan, independence, transformations, pragmatism and balance, consolidation strategy, national unity, social and economic growth, territorial integrity.
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