It is Important to Learn From the Experience of Others

  • Post category:Issue XIX

Gert Antsu
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Ukraine


Abstract. Our esteemed interviewee is Gert Antsu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Ukraine. The Ambassador has dedicated 11 years to serving in the Estonian government, then going on to take up his professional duties as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
According to the Ambassador, diplomatic service has both pleasant moments and challenges. Moving from country to country is a fascinating and at the same time logistically complicated task, especially for the family. However, if you are attracted by discovering other places and international relations that will be an excellent work for you, since interesting tasks easily come on their own accord. Diplomatic work of an Ambassador in Ukraine is full of urgent tasks. This strenuous pace is related to the current developments, including the war in the east and the ongoing implementation of reforms.
The article also deals with overcoming the post-Soviet crisis in Estonia. It is argued that the main reason of success is cultural heritage and interest in studying among Estonians. The second reason is that the Estonian nation has adopted Scandinavian business culture and implementation of reforms.
Estonia is well-known for its technology sector and proliferation of the Internet network. The Ambassador singles out the principles of Estonian e-politics that should be implemented in Ukraine to develop the technology realm. He also emphasises that the development of social networks has facilitated public diplomacy, while also reminding not to abuse it. The interviewee is of the opinion that, on the one hand, social networks facilitate diplomatic activities but, on the other hand, complicate private life.
The Ambassador has no doubt in the necessity of reinvigorating cultural exchange between the two countries. He also provides his account of the modern state of bilateral relations between Ukraine and Estonia, the main areas for bilateral cooperation, the most successful realms and those requiring further action.
Keywords: Estonia, post-Soviet crisis, Ukraine, diplomatic activity, technological sphere, bilateral partnership.

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