Olena Yalova
Ph.D. in Political Science, Head of the International Adoption Division of the Department of Consular Support of the Directorate General for Consular Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
DOI https://doi.org/10.37837/2707-7683-2019-45
Abstract. The article focuses on the need to create an international image of Ukraine. The analysis of the world rankings shows that in the eyes of the international community we are a corrupt low-income country with a beseeching glance at the international community and a serious armed conflict with Russia, which results in the negative image of Ukraine. The country’s leadership does not regard the creation of a positive image of Ukraine as an extremely important task, therefore leading to the continued absence of a branding strategy.
The author believes that it is necessary to determine the authority that will be responsible for the international image of the country and will help coordinate cooperation between all organizations, whether governmental or non-governmental. In Ukraine, it is necessary to overcome the bureaucratic red tape and narrow-mindedness. There is an urgent need for an elaborate strategy, in which all the mechanisms and tools to create the right image of the state should be involved.
According to the author, access to the global information space looks promising. Ukraine should vigorously shape global media landscape and use the potential of its news agencies. Official state diplomacy should actively participate in the process of forming a positive international image of Ukraine. It is also necessary to thoroughly study and adopt foreign experience. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe, with rich cultural heritage, history and traditions. Currently, economic indicators are at a low level, but a prospect of their growth can attract foreign investment.
The analysis of the image of Ukraine shows that the country is not consciously managing it. However, even minimal efforts can significantly improve the country’s position in the global perception. We have something to be proud of, we just need to start talking about it and bring it to the wider world audience.
Keywords: international image, Ukraine, state diplomacy, information space, world ranking.
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