Establishment and Development of Ukrainian-Romanian Relations in 1917–1923: Milestones and Personalities

  • Post category:Issue XIX

Teofil Rendiuk
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Good Neighbourliness, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Abstract. The article analyses three main stages and features of the establishment and development of Ukrainian-Romanian relations in 1917–1923. The first stage covers military and diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Romania and the Ukrainian People’s Republic during the time of the Central Council of Ukraine (July 1917 – May 1918); the second one refers to the diplomatic relations of the Ukrainian State during the period of Hetman P. Skoropadskyi (June 1918 – December 1918); the third one corresponds to the UPR during the period of the Directorate of Ukraine (January 1919–1923).Each stage has its unique features, namely: the period of the UPR under the Central Council is characterised by the establishment of bilateral military-diplomatic relations and an attempt to resolve the Bessarabia issue; the Ukrainian State during the period of Hetman P. Skoropadskyi is marked by the creation of an extensive network of Ukrainian consular offices in the Kingdom of Romania, the signing in Iasi of the Agreement on Economic Cooperation between the Ukrainian State and the Kingdom of Romania; the UPR of the Directorate period is defined by the development of Ukrainian-Romanian diplomatic relations to the full-fledged classical level and protection of interests of the extensive Ukrainian community in Romania and the Ukrainian military emigration numbered many thou-sands, which has been found in the territory of a neighbouring country after the defeat in the military-political competition for the creation of independent Ukrainian State.
The article emphasizes that a common distinctive thing about all Ukrainian diplomatic missions in Romania during the period of 1917–1923 has been the introduction and protection of interests of multi-million Ukrainian ethos that was found within the administrative boundaries of the Kingdom of Romania of that time.
The article summarises achievements of Ukrainian diplomacy in Romania and failures that in the long run have had far-reaching negative effect.
Keywords: Ukrainian People’s Republic, Ukrainian State, Kingdom of Romania, military-diplomatic relations, Extraordinary diplomatic mission, General Consulate, Agreement on Economic Cooperation, Ukrainian community.

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