‘Beirut Stories’ by Ahatanhel Krymsky: For the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of the Prominent Ukrainian Orientalist

  • Post category:Issue XXI

Ihor Ostash
PhD in Philology, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Lebanese Republic

DOI 10.37837/2707-7683-2020-16

Abstract. The article deals with the scholarly contribution of the outstanding orientalist Ahatanhel Krymsky in the development of Ukrainian history, science, and literature in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The author describes the years of A. Krymsky’s life in Leb¬anon and the influence of the Beirut period of his life on his making as a young scientist. The author has examined his literature works created in Lebanon, particularly Beirut Stories providing insight into the life, daily routine, and interreligious relations of Beirut citizens of that time. The author analyses the significance of A. Krymsky’s works for the develop¬ment of modern Ukrainian-Lebanese bilateral relations and points out events devoted to the scientist, which have been held by the Ukrainian Embassy in Beirut and Choueir.
Keywords: Ahatanhel Krymsky, oriental studies, science, Beirut Stories, Arab world.

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