Ukrainian Education in the European Space

  • Post category:Issue XX

Viktor Andrushchenko
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Rector of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, President of the International Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities of Europe


Abstract. The article deals with the characteristics of the national education system, its transformation and development from the time of Rus to modern times. Despite the influence of other states, the spiritual core of Ukrainian education has always been Ukrainian cultural and historical tradition, the struggle for the revival and development of which in all historical times was defined as the main vector of spiritual development of the nation.
The article states that the Ukrainian ‘pedagogical matrix’ in the Hetmanate and Slobozhanshchyna from the second half of the 17th to the end of the 18th century was up-held and developed by the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv Collegiums, Pereyaslavl and Glukhiv Seminaries. Later on, Dnipro Ukraine saw the inauguration of historical educational courses at Kharkiv, Kyiv and Odessa Universities. Despite a number of negative factors, traditional folk culture and education have never receded from the cultural and educational space. It is noted that the educational level in Ukraine ranks among the highest in Central and Eastern Europe. Among the features that distinguish the ‘pedagogical matrix’ of Ukrainian education, the author highlights, first of all, the familiarization with fundamental human values. The educational system appears to be enlightening, natural and humane to form an integrated human being. The article also provides a detailed elaboration of the understanding of the Ukrainian educational system by such historical figures as V. Sukhomlynskyi and V. Shynkaruk.
The author analyses the influence of the Bologna Process on the ‘pedagogical matrix’ of Ukrainian education. As a result, there was an increase in the latter’s quality, reliability and competitiveness of specialists, primarily in the economic, political and sociocultural space. However, Ukrainian education has retained its identity. It has remained Ukrainian – highly spiritual and sacred, humane, folk and family-like, patriotic and moral in all human dimensions.
Then author raises the question of the need for education, spirituality and morality, which are brought up for success, career and comfortable existence, which he answers in the affirmative. Given modern challenges, the main segments of preparation for independent life should be provided with the means of education and upbringing. Among these segments there are knowledge, competence and value formation. In addition, importance is attached to the significance of spiritual growth for the formation of personality.
Keywords: person, education, culture, upbringing, national idea, pedagogical matrix.

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