Public Diplomacy Activities of the Ukrainian World Congress Aimed at Improving the Image of Ukraine in the World (1991–2024)

  • Post category:Issue XXV

Nazar Martyniuk
Research Fellow at the Professor Liubomyr Vynar Institute for the Ukrainian Diaspora Studies, postgraduate student at the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security of the National University of Ostroh Academy
Abstract. The article examines the main directions of public diplomacy of the main coordination body of Ukrainian diaspora communities the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) based on the 2021–25 Public Diplomacy Strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. For a better understanding of the topic, the main characteristics of diaspora diplomacy as a phenomenon are outlined. The author emphasises that public diplomacy can be carried out in cooperation with or without the diaspora’s state of origin. The article highlights the shortcomings of Ukraine’s cooperation with Ukrainians abroad, the main of which is the lack of a clear strategy for cooperation with Ukrainians worldwide in Ukrainian legislation. It is noted that the state is only beginning to recognise the potential of Ukrainians abroad as ‘ambassadors’ of Ukraine in the world in the context of the fullscale invasion.
The article elaborates on the UWC’s role as an advocate and promoter of Ukraine in the world. The author points out the large-scale assistance provided by the organisation to support the state of its origin. Based on a wide range of sources, including materials from UWC congresses, periodicals and information from official media resources, the author suggests tracing the dimensions of UWC public diplomacy, describing the activities of its structural units, as well as the experience of certain member organisations of the UWC network. It is pointed out that an important area of the UWC’s work is spreading the historical truth about the Holodomor of 1932–1933 and its recognition by foreign countries as genocide of the Ukrainian people.
The article highlights the main forms and methods of UWC public diplomacy, which include disseminating information about Ukraine in the world, countering propaganda, and advocating Ukrainian interests in foreign governments and international organisations. The author concludes that different types of public diplomacy complement each other and comprehensively fulfil the UWC’s priority tasks of promoting Ukraine in the world.
Keywords: diaspora, Ukrainians abroad, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), public diplomacy, image, disinformation, culture, sports, Ukrainian communities.
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