Model of Cooperation between Taiwan and Visegrad Countries: Lessons for Ukraine

  • Post category:Issue XXI

Serhii Koshovyi

PhD in History, Chief Consultant, Division of Interparliamentary Relations, Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

DOI 10.37837/2707-7683-2020-33

Abstract. The article highlights issues and trends of the relations between the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, hereinafter – V4) and the Republic of China on Taiwan. The preconditions and prospects for the development of relationships in the post-coronavirus world are analysed. The main ways of bilateral economic cooperation, investment activity, and cooperation in the humanitarian sphere are identified. It is stated in the article that the abovementioned states heavily rely on pragmatic instruments of partnership in foreign policy and foreign economic activity, while the Taiwanese practice is characterised by a more balanced approach. Particular attention is also paid to the analysis of direct investment of Taiwanese companies in Central and Eastern Europe. It is argued that the experience of the Visegrad Four countries in the successful trade and economic cooperation with Taiwan can potentially contribute to the modernisation of Ukraine. What is implied herein is that relations with Taiwan should be developed in such areas as economy, investment, trade, tourism, culture, education, science, interpersonal contacts, etc., which will provide Ukrainian products with new markets. An important step may be establishing working contacts among representatives of Ukrainian and Taiwanese agencies responsible for relevant portfolios. The author emphasises that the experience of the Visegrad Four countries in forging cooperation with Taiwan and attracting foreign direct investment into their economies is useful and instructive for Ukraine. Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary are Ukraine’s immediate European neighbours, and this aspect alone necessitates a more in-depth examination of the matter of a possible economic interaction between Ukraine and Taiwan.
Keywords: Ukraine, Visegrad Four countries, the Indo-Pacific geopolitical area, regional cooperation.

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