Austria as a Foreign Trading Partner of the Soviet Ukraine in the Early 1920s

  • Post category:Issue XX

Oleh Kupchyk
Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Abstract. The article reveals the circumstances under which trade relations between the Austrian Republic and the Ukrainian SSR were established in the early 1920s. The contractual and legal framework, organizational forms of commercial activity of the Ukrainian SSR in Austria are clarified. The author introduces the activities of Ukrainian trade representatives in Austria, namely S. Derevenskyi and Zuckerman. The organizational and staff structure of the trade mission of the Ukrainian SSR in the Austrian Republic is provided.
The role of the trade mission of the Ukrainian SSR in Vienna in foreign trade activity of the Ukrainian SSR is revealed. The place of the Austrian market in export-import operations of the Ukrainian SSR is highlighted. The transit value of Austria and the Danube in the trade of the Ukrainian SSR with the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe is indicated. The monetary equivalent indicates the volume of export-import operations and their subject. «The Ukrainian aspect» of the USSR trade mission’s activities in the Austrian Republic in 1923–1924 is noted.
It was emphasized that the establishment of mixed Austrian-Ukrainian partnerships was important in trade with Austria. Among the Ukrainian goods exported to Austria were horsehair, soda, leather, guts, hair, medicinal herbs. Sickles, scythes, light bulbs, stationery (paper, pencils), typewriters, microscopes, automobiles, cigarettes and books were imported from Austria.
It is proved that in establishing trade relations with Austria, the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR (Radnarkom) counted on mutual interest, relative territorial proximity, ancient Ukrainian-Austrian historical ties, which dated back to the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The establishment of trade relations between Austria and Ukraine was facilitated by the decision of the leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Trade, according to which Austria was referred to as a country ‘important for Ukraine’.
Keywords: export, import, golden karbovanets, koruna, market, goods, trade mission, trade representative.

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